"今年5月にフランスのGASMSK TERRORのツアーサポートも敢行し、向かうところ敵無しで酩酊する若き先鋭FROM TOKYO!
局地的にはもはや東京名物の120%HARDCORE PUNK LOVERS、気が触れたドランクアルコホリックずっこけ集団はHAAVAとのスプリットテープ、TERRO-RHYTHM compから更なる“深化”を遂げ、TOTALITAR~FYFAN~SKITKIDS系譜のSWEDISH HC meets US THRASHをオリジナルのフィルターで消化し、爆走ドライヴィングで炸裂させる!大半のメンバーが東京出身にも関わらず一向に垢抜けないルックスとサウンドは泥臭くも眩いPURE DESTRUCKTIONの塊に他ならない!ポーザーを薙ぎ倒すエナジーに満ち溢れた愛と魂の衝動を体感せよ!SWEDISH HCファンは勿論の事、US HC~NO WAY RECORDS周辺まで多くの人間を魅了するであろう。今この瞬間にも“深化”するHARDCORE PUNKの珠玉の1ST EPここに極まれり!"
"No one can't stop them,running hard drunken guys from tokyo! they played with Gasmask Terror(france) as tour supported in this May.famous alcoholic silly 4 pieces playing more deepening sounds than split cassette w/Haava and VA/Terro-Rhytm cd on this 1st 7"ep. the sound goes toward TOTALITAR-FYFAN-SKITKIDS line Swedish HC meets US thrash through their ogirinal filter. it's amazing noisily driving hardcore punk as hell! they never get any fashionable styles and unrefined even most of members from tokyo urban city. it's kind of primitive pure destrucktion we start forgetting! feel their energetic soul and love for hardcore punk. all the fans of Swedish HC to US HC and No way records releases, exploding hardcore punk "real now"!"
- Hardcore Survives (http://hardcore-survives.com)
Release date: 2011
- GEFYR - Livsfarlig ledning 7"EP (Flyktsoda Records)
- ¥924
- DISKOBRA - A Diskobra Visszatér 7"EP (Aback Distro Records)
- ¥900
- TUHOON TUOMITUT - Krustilokki 7"EP (Nuclear Chaos)
- ¥1,000
- BUXKXNONE - s/t 7"EP (Emergence)
- ¥600
- ACTIVE MINDS - The Freedom Of The Borough 7"EP (Loony Tunes)
- ¥880
- SKROT - s/t 7"EP (Not Enough)
- ¥1,056