"Swedish Hardcore pioneers blast back after 23 years! “Död åt kapitalismen” is their first recording since 1994 and as expected it takes no prisoners… 10 songs of raw and brutal HC combing the traditional Scandinavian approach with a solid d-beat structure. It takes all the best features of their previous works to push them to a new devastating stage… speed, anger, vitriolic vocals and a solid production makes this a total scandicore headsmasher for fans of Anti Cimex, Crude SS, Totalitär and Avskum!"
- Halbfabrikat Records
Release date: 2019
- PROTESTSTORM - Den Typ Som Överlever 12"LP (Fight For Your Mind Records)
- ¥3,190
- 月刊情報紙「アナキズム」第31号(月刊情報紙「アナキズム」誌編集委員会)
- ¥300
- MY SOCIETY PISSED - Stomach cassette (Self-Released)
- ¥700
- BASQUE - Pain Without Hope Of Healing / 癒えない痛み CD-R (3LA)
- ¥1,980
- ジャック・エリュール『アナキズムとキリスト教』- Book (新教出版社)
- ¥2,750
- 月刊情報紙「アナキズム」第49号(月刊情報紙「アナキズム」誌編集委員会)
- ¥350