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FLOWER - Heel Of The Next / Physical God 7"EP (Fight For Your Mind Records)





【再入荷】(2025年2月6日) NYC anarcho/crust "FLOWER" のProfane Existenceからの2022年1st LPに続く最新1st 7"EP(2023年12月リリース)。精力的にリリースを続けるフランスのFight For Your Mind Recordsより。 NAUSEA - Cybergod 7"オマージュな片面1曲づつ収録の全2曲収録。[Kazu / Acclaim] 以下、レーベル・インフォより: Two new tracks as a co release between Peace Of Mind ( Band Label ) and FFYM. Out very soon ... FLOWER who have released their first Full Length called 'Hardly A Dream' out on Profane Existence last year left quite a trace in the Anarcho Crust punk sphere. Personally I was so impatient to hear that record and it was far from being deceiving ... Everyone has been comparing over the last years this band to Nausea, AntiSect, Sacrilege, with some influences from Amebix and inspired art by Rudimentary Peni... It is true that there is some of that from where the band comes from, but FLOWER are something of their own ! This second vinyl release by the band brings their sound to a different level and keeps them in perpetual mouvement. As much as the aspect of the art and music comes out so strongly it is also the Lyrics that stand out in these times where so many apolitical bands pop around and seem to be more appreciated for their looks and their posing than what they stand for. Heel of the Next and Physical God are two anthems that you can keep your fist pumping too and Flower keep the punk into punk. This is a co release between FFYM records and Peace Of Mind records ( the bands labels first release ). They will be touring Europe in the Summer of 2024 and this co release is also a way to have the record across the world in the cheapest way possible as postage is so crazy these days. Trying to make it as affordable as possible. All this presented in a Crass 6 panel type fold out poster cover. https://fightforyourmindrecords.bigcartel.com/product/flower-heel-of-the-next-physical-god-7-ep Flower Bandcamp: https://flowernewyorkcity.bandcamp.com/album/heel-of-the-next-physical-god Release date: 2023
