大阪発—She Luv It、Palm、Wrong State、Runnerといったメンバーによって、2022年に結成されたTERMINATIONのBowl Head Inc.よりリリースされた1st EP(CD)のEUバージョン・カセットが、イタリアのSistema Mortalよりリリース。[Kazu / Acclaim]
For its 18th release Sistema Mortal presents "Omega" by Osaka-based band Termination.
The album - already released in Japan in CD format by Bowl Head Inc. - consists of eight tracks for more than fifteen minutes of crustened death metal. Despite being their first release, the band flaunts an enviable confidence, amidst proud guttural singing, deteriorating blast beats and fierce sludge climaxes. The two electronic tracks produced by Dagdrom are very interesting and not taken for granted: for instance, the closing track, "Armageddon", is a long dark ambient path punctuated by harsh noises and heavily saturated bass stabs. Combined with the other six tracks, they allow to experience the End from several, excellent points of view.
- Micro O'relic
Termination - 'Omega' EU tape version.
Originally released in cd version by Bowl Head Inc.
Release date: 2024
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